
July 5, 2023
Pipelines and Their Role in Our Energy Future
How industry collaboration will help advance energy transformation

June 8, 2023
Energy Connections Canada formed to tackle pipeline innovation
Pipeline Owner Operators and Industrial Partners emerge as Energy Connections Canada

December 29, 2022
Quality systems in Nuclear
As we transition to cleaner energies, nuclear power is set to play an important role in helping reduce…

November 30, 2022
Meet the 2022 CEPA Foundation Award WinnersEach year the CEPA Foundation Awards provide an opportunity to recognize the achievements of individuals and organizations who…

November 16, 2022
High Fidelity Fiber Optic Sensing is the newest tool in early detection of landslides
Effective management of ground movement events around pipelines

November 2, 2022
Advancing the future of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Alberta Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Consortium

October 21, 2022
Why Leading Safety Indicators could be a leap forward in contractor safety managementSafety is a major priority for all companies involved in the pipeline supply chain. A new LSI white…

October 5, 2022
New certification for pipeline facility inspectors
First certification exams held in August 2022

June 8, 2022
How a Competency System is helping fill a pipeline industry workforce gapCanada’s pipeline industry is facing a workforce gap. As baby boomer workers reach retirement age, the industry is…

November 4, 2021
A joint industry project that has safety at its core
The Practical Guide provides real-world guidance to confirm that facility inspectors are trained, qualified and competent.