Empowering the Future of Energy

Energy Transition
Hub – Alberta

Welcome to Energy Connections Canada’s Energy Transition Hub – Alberta

Energy Transition Hub – Alberta (ETH)’s goal is to aid the safe, reliable and economical transmission of CO2 and H2 via pipelines. Shipping these future molecules will be a key step in decarbonization. We intend to achieve our goal by facilitating knowledge transfer across industry and with our partners in academia, polytechnic institutes, government agencies and regulators.

We will advance our efforts through three work streams:

  1. Technical Gap Analysis: “What are the technical issues involved with safely, reliably and economically shipping CO2 and H2? Who is already doing what on these topics? What remains to be resolved?”
  2. Regulatory Ready: “What legislation, regulation, guidelines, standards, and processes need to be changed or improved in order to facilitate timely approval of safe and reliable CO2 and H2 pipeline projects?
  3. Building Public Confidence: “How can we ensure landowners and citizens-at-large have confidence in the benefits and safety of shipping CO2 and H2 in pipelines?”

Bookmark this page for more developments!


Committee Documents

C02 Insights

CCUS Challenges and Projects

State-of-the-Art in Transporting CO2 in Pipelines

H2 Insights

Hydrogen Shipping and Demand Outlook

Hydrogen and the Transition to Zero Emission Energy Systems

The Alberta Hydrogen Roadmap

Prevention and Mitigation of Hydrogen Induced Cracking in Pipeline Welds


Terms of Reference

ETH & Alberta Innovates: Volunteer Salary Tracking Form

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